Sunday, June 6, 2010

May as a WHOLE!

So, I typed up the news for our family and sent it off to a family member for it to be compiled with everyone elses and I realized I hadn't updated the blog lately, so I thought, "Would it be cheating to copy and paste the parts I wanted into the blog?" Nah! So, here are the highlights of the month and a few extras... So all the parts that say Erin, is me and I am not changing anything cause it is late and I have been as restful as possible due to it being Sunday.

May has been a good month for all of us. William finished up all of his classes and passed all of them (other than the one he dropped later in the semester). William was also allowed to switch to a full-time employee for the summer until he goes back to school. He works 4 ten hour shifts with Wednesday and the weekends off. The extra income will be a great blessing when school comes around again so that we have quite a bit of savings built up. William also received his father's day gift early as well as part of his Christmas and birthday presents. He bought a 14 foot Aluminum fishing boat and has spent quite a bit of time in the garage finding a way to rig it up for in between uses and making a boat rack for on top of his truck as well as just enjoying time in a place all his own. And despite how much William has wanted to take his new toy out for a test drive the weather hasn't been cooperative, and when the weather has been nice he has decided to go out for a bike ride to train for the 100 mile ride he is doing on June 12th.

Erin has been making their new duplex into a home. There are still a few boxes laying about the house with misc stuff in them that will end up in the garage soon. The walls are still bare, but there may still be movement in the furniture as the rest of the boxes leave the house so no point in hanging anything until we are certain it will be there for the rest of our time here. Erin has also grown quite a bit this month in the middle section as our new addition becomes more apparent and active. Due to the addition she has not minded in the least the cool and wet weather and is hoping it will hold out a bit longer to shorten the amount of suffering that will occur once the sun decides to come out of hiding.

Sam has probably loved the move most out of all of us. He now has a backyard, his very own room (not for long, but still), a new firetruck toddler bed and the park just a 4 minute run through the baseball field out our backyard fence. Sam seems to understand the concept of the baby and loves giving mommy's belly kisses and cuddling with it but we don't think he has grasped the amount of noise and time it will take to get used to once it is here. Sam is turning 2 on June 17th and is very much like a rambunctious 2 year old already. Not to the point of terrible, but still very active. He is getting a larger vocabulary and understands yes or no questions and answers them truthfully most of the time. He also knows when he is doing something wrong, like pulling out DVD's from the shelf, so he hurries and puts them back, points his finger at them and tells them "Stay!" very seriously like they jumped off the shelf by themselves. He is very interested in potty training since he saw one of his friends Gideon go potty like a big boy but still hasn't done anything other than a few dribbles into the potty. But he still loves to sit on his potty anyway.

As a family we have really enjoyed having Grandma Grover staying with us while Grandpa is at Elk's. Sam has grown very close to Grandma and acts like she is just as much a jungle gym as mom and dad. We also enjoyed going to Gooding for Memorial day to help with the deck and house improvements. While Sam played with his cousins, Erin learned how to tile with Faye, and William worked on the deck with Tom. Once the hard part of the deck was done Erin came out and helped go Rambo on the deck toe nailing boards and putting on boards with Tammy while Tom and William worked on silly things like stairs...

A very recent update on the news from today is that Sam can officially open up his bedroom door. He doesn't seem compelled to try any others out for now, but he has a reason to escape his bedroom when he doesn't want to take a nap. Not so much of a purpose to break into the bathroom yet.

The funniest update is that William has joined the elite bicycle riders of the world. In order to prepare for his first century on the 12th I taught him how to shave his legs. Lets just say, his legs are smoother than mine and I can't stop rubbing them because it makes me giggle. And I probably won't get in trouble for writing that for a while because William doesn't ever read what I put on here. I will be taking pictures on Saturday and I will make sure to get one of his sexy bike lets with all the muscles toned and defined as he petals himself to exhaustion.

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