Thursday, November 14, 2013

Things I take for Granted- Post Six

Once upon a time there was a girl who loved to read.  She loved it so much she took advantage of it.  The end. 
In reality though, I have so many books that I have read and loved, and have forgotten that not everybody has read to many wonderful books as well.  I love how I can escape for a couple hours from Boise, Idaho and attend Hogwarts, the Battle School, Mr. Bingley's Ball, or the largest dump in Cambodia. 
The way I regretfully spend my life some weeks with out touching a single spine is why I feel I take advantage of it. So many of my books have left an impression on me.  They have helped me to understand the circumstances and minds of people in many different situations, to recognize the blessings that I have in my daily life and how to make the best out of even some of the hardest trials.
My overly crowded and messy book shelf

Books are taken for granted.  The ability to read is taken for granted.  The ability to be able to read the books that are in the world is taken for granted. 

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