I would count myself among those who are not fantastic bloggers. Seeing as I haven't wrote and published an update on our little family for many months. Life has been crazy, just like it is supposed to be. At points as I look toward something in the future I say, "Things will be more relaxed and much less hectic after ..." some said event like, William's graduation or the Halloween Party. Right now at this moment, there is still a list of goals for the day, blogging not included, but I did feel that a quick view into what our life has been doing was in order. William Graduated with his Electrical Engineering Degree in May and started work as a Software engineer 2 days later for CradlePoint Technology in Boise. We started looking for houses shortly after and in July we found and put a bid on our "dream" home. In late August we got the keys and started with a few minor improvements that would be harder to complete once we had all of our things here. We moved in officially on the 20th of September. Boxes everywhere crowding and cluttering the main rooms. But as life is crazy there was more to do. A baby shower to plan, a jewelry party to clean the living room for and latest cleaning and decorating the entire house for a Halloween House Warming Party that came off beautifully with close friends and family invited to our home. It is truly amazing how much life can change in 5 months! To add to the fun, we found out in September that we are expecting. With a May baby added to the calendar there still has not been much time to think and get to excited for the addition. We feel very blessed. I used to think that when William graduated from college with a degree in engineering that we would be instantly "rich". Of course I was thinking financially. But as of now I can testify that is not true, we still have enough for our needs, but the "rich" feeling is instead permeating our life in blessings. Some how we had enough to replace windows. Some how all of the house was able to be finished in time for guests to visit. Some how I just know that life, despite its crazy twists and turns, will give us as a family the time and opportunity to learn and grow to become better people.
This blog is obviously not at the top of my priority list, but becoming the person that can make it through each day and lay down in bed saying that my goals are done and know that my friends and family have helped me along the way is a wonderful feeling.